Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ode to mowing the lawn

I never thought I would be saying this, but I love mowing the lawn. Growing up with three brothers, I was never called upon for yard care. So it wasn't until I was married with two kids that I finally gave it a try. Now, I'll admit that my lawn-mowing skills are nothing to brag about. In fact, I'm quite certain that it looks much nicer when Mark does it. Nonetheless, this summer and fall I've found myself volunteering time and again to take on this task.

Here's why I love it. Unlike most other aspects of my life, lawn mowing is predictable and something I can control. I find it gratifying to see that unkempt expanse of emerald lying before me to tame. When I'm finished, I get the satisfaction of knowing it will look even and neat. After hours unend of being pulled on and beckoned, I find the roar of the lawn mower peaceful. Sometimes I have take the iPod and listen to music, and sometimes I just mow. Either way is fine with me.

Before kids I had found housework and home maintenance tedious. Now, like most parents, what I wouldn't give for more uninterrupted time for these chores. Rare times when I'm kid-free I can spend happy hours cleaning, cooking or toiling away at a sinkful of dishes. I guess this is just one of the ways having kids has shaped me as a person. I'll take serenity anywhere I can find it these days, and mowing the lawn works out just fine.