Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The swift passage of time

I'm not one to cry easily, but there's nothing like watching one of my kids perform to get the waterworks going. So if you hear sniffling while watching Ben's dance routine on the last day of kindergarten, that's probably me. (Check out the video on our share site: http://benpaulandgus.shutterfly.com/237. That's Ben in the straw hat and plaid shirt.) The day was an emotional one for me. Yes, I'm delighted to have a whole summer to spend with all three of my boys. But this milestone was a reminder for me of how quickly time passes. Sure, Ben's first day of kindergarten was a tearjerker, and I had the added benefit of fresh post-pregnancy hormones to spur along the sorrow of turning my firstborn over to the school system. This last day of school took on a whole different poignancy. How is it that I have an almost-7-year-old sleeping in the bed down the hall from me? It doesn't seem possible. Ben has morphed into a considerate, intelligent, creative kid. It is a privilege to watch him grow.

Now it seems that Ben's little brothers are hot on his heels. In this house, it seems that we're always on the verge of some milestone. Paulie will start preschool in the fall. Gus is almost walking and will turn 1 in less than two months. My baby! I guess my only choice is to sit back and enjoy the ride. And cry at the appropriate times. Sniffle.